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<?xml version="1.0"?>
      <p pageid="351" ns="0" title="Backwardly Compatible Code (Activity)" />
      <p pageid="168" ns="0" title="Benthall - Open Collaboration (Proposal)" />
      <p pageid="374" ns="0" title="Bio of a FOSS Person (Activity)" />
      <p pageid="947" ns="0" title="Blockly Project" />
      <p pageid="66" ns="0" title="Blog Activity" />
      <p pageid="342" ns="0" title="Blog and Infographic Project (Activity)" />
      <p pageid="459" ns="0" title="Buffardi - Graduate SE (Proposal)" />
      <p pageid="370" ns="0" title="Bug Gardening" />
      <p pageid="610" ns="0" title="Bug Selection" />
      <p pageid="175" ns="0" title="Bug Tracker Activity-MouseTrap" />
    <allpages apfrom="Bui, Rebelsky - IRC in the Curriculum (Proposal)" />