TeamMeeting 2013 01 Agenda

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OpenFE Meeting Agenda

Nassau Community College
January 3-4, 2013

Goals for this Meeting

  • Chance for everyone on the team to get to know everyone else better
  • Status review of the OpenFE project start-up
  • General plan for 2013
  • Detailed plan for January-June 2013
  • Assignment of tasks to individuals


Thursday Evening:


Meet and depart from lobby of Hilton Garden Inn Westbury


Dinner at Passione Della Cucina, 231 Old Country Road, Carle Place, NY 11514; (516) 741-4800


Organizational meeting at NCC. Location: CCB 210. Agenda items 1 and 2


Wrap up and transportation back to hotel


Arrive back at hotel



Meet and depart from lobby of Hilton Garden Inn Westbury


Continental breakfast and getting organized at NCC


Meeting start


Lunch and short break (walk around campus, weather permitting?)


Meeting start


Wrap up


Depart NCC


This is a very full agenda so we’ll need to cut of discussion on some topics. A suggested mapping of topics to time:

  • Thursday evening: Agenda items 1 and 2
  • Friday: Focus on Items 4,5,6 with shorter coverage of items 3 and 7; use item 8 as a wrap-up

  1. Status of current activities
    1. Red Hat: Discussions with Michael Cunningham
    2. RIT: Discussions with Steve Jacobs
    3. Gnome A11y / MouseTrap
    4. Karl Wurst and museum mobile app
    5. Faculty Development Model
    6. Inspire-CT Participant Support budget - potential to run foss2serve outreach events
  2. Critique of start-up and initial progress
    1. Review of goals and objectives from the proposal
    2. Review of the revised schedule
    3. Suggestions for process, division of work, etc.
  3. Evaluation
    1. Getting started including what we should be doing now
    2. Planning for the first annual report – due 8/31
    3. Using evaluation for our benefit
  4. Plan to create FE workshop materials (POSSE?)
    1. The collected materials and how to manage them
    2. Tasks for expansion and improvement
    3. Assignment of tasks to team members
  5. SIGCSE Pre-conference event
    1. Course materials sprint
    2. Can be small
    3. Early January: post to TOS, POSSE alumni, SoftHum/HumIT workshop alums
    4. Revi Sterling?
  6. First POSSE
    1. When?
    2. Where?
    3. Who?
    4. And when will we have the “what” done?
  7. Infrastructure/Wiki
    1. Supporting the small learning groups
    2. Team meetings: public vs private meeting - how to implement "executive sessions"
    3. Categories as organizing mechanism for the wiki; "Content" as root category
    4. The TOS wiki and our contribution to the larger TOS community
    5. Migration from the old wikis - server is running but empty
  8. Plan for 2013
    1. Build the plan as part of the earlier tasks
    2. Publications and outreach activities
    3. Summarize and review


  • The hotel is the Hilton Garden Inn Westbury, 1575 Privado Rd, Westbury, Nassau, New York 11590
  • To get to the hotel from the Westbury train station: Stuarts Taxi Service is the local company. Estimated cost is $5.50 for one person ($3.00 for each additional person). They typically have cabs at the train station. If not, you can call for one, their number is 516-334-2900
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