CCSCNE 2014 MouseTrap Hackfest

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Revision as of 20:17, 20 March 2014 by Stoney.jackson (Talk | contribs)
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Q: What is a hackfest?

A: There are different definitions of hackfest (and/or hackathon, codefest, etc.). The essence of a hackfest is a bunch of programmers getting together to code with a common purpose. Some hackfests are competitions. Some are educational. Some are social events.

This hackfest is educational and social. The goal is to give participants a chance to learn about how to get involved in an open-source project.

Q: What is MouseTrap?

A: MouseTrap is a GNOME accessibility project to allow individuals to control the mouse pointer using a webcam. Please see (XXXX) for more details.

Q: What language is the project written in?

A: Python. But you don't need to know Python to participate in the hackfest!

  1. . Much of what we'll be doing will not require knowledge of Python.
  2. . There are many ways to contribute to open-source projects other than code (50-ways)
  3. . It's an easy language that can be learned on the fly. And there will be many there that can help you.

Q: What will I learn?

A: A little about a lot:

  • Version control
  • Issue trackers
  • Who to talk to and how to reach them

Q: Can students participate? Can faculty participate?

A: Yes and yes.

Q: Can I come late? Can I leave early? Can I come, go, and come back again later?

A: Yes, yes, and yes.

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