ElKharboutly - FOSS across SE (Proposal)

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Teaching Open Source Contribution and Development Across the SE Curriculum



I propose to use two to three activity in three different Software Engineering courses offered starting freshman year till Junior year. This way students are gradually introduced to HFOSS according to their skill level.

Target Venue

  • SER 120 - Object Oriented Development in Java (Every Spring)

This course serves as an introduction to the principles of design and programming of software using object oriented techniques such as inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and information hiding, and inheritance. Students will learn event-driven programming and the use of graphics. Additional topics include collections, design patterns and frameworks

  • SER 210 - Software Design and Development (Every Spring)

This course serves as an introduction to software engineering using object oriented analysis and design techniques and United Modeling Language (UML). The emphasis is on developing robust and high quality software systems based on object-oriented principles. Implementations will be performed using Java object-oriented programming language and the Android SDK.

  • SER 320 - Software Design and Architecture(Every Fall)

Students explore software design methodologies, architectural styles, design guidelines and design tools. The course will examine the principles and methods of architectural design and detailed design of complex, large-scale software systems. It cover micro-level design and marco-level architecture emphasizing on a number of architectural styles including classical styles and emerging styles such as web-based architectures and mobile-computing architectures.

Target Student Audience

All courses are required courses taken by Software Engineering Major students.

Learning Activities

< Provide a general description of the activities you plan to develop. How many activities will there be? What types? (labs, homework assignments, projects, etc.) What outcomes do you expect? What specific products will you have to share at the end? (lab instructions, grading rubrics, homework assignments, etc.) Note: we only expect basic information at this point since the activities are not developed yet.>

The Using Open APIs In Mobile Apps Activity is a work in progress activity that I started working on during the POSSE Sprint. See the activity for more details.

Using OpenMRS architecture as a case study is a take home practice in which students will study the architecture and identify the architecture style used, the components of the architecture and will research some of the technologies used in OpenMRS. The objective is to introduce them to an existing large scale open source project.


I will use I will create and institute pre/post student content knowledge surveys to all students.

The surveys will be divided up by easy questions (30%), medium questions (30%) and hard questions (40%).

Sample assignment data will be collected for each activity.


I will develop all material during the Summer 2016 and Fall 2016. The sequence of courses will be taught starting Spring 2016 till Spring 2017, one course per semester.


Requested Summer Support funding for the adopting and developing new activities: $1000 Requested funds for dissemination of research/findings: $1000

Contact Information

Ruby ElKharboutly ruby.elkharboutly@quinnipiac.edu

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