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Samuel A. Rebelsky

Samuel A. Rebelsky, known to most of his students as SamR (alternately pronounced "Sam-Are" and "Sammer"), is a Professor of Computer Science at Grinnell College, which is located in the middle of nowhere Iowa. Like most faculty at small colleges like Grinnell, SamR teaches a wide variety of courses in the undergraduate CS curriculum and beyond, although his favorite courses to teach are those in the introductory sequence, when he has an opportunity to expose students to the wonders of algorithmic problem solving, and the upper-level programming languages course, where he can challenge students to think in new ways. SamR has also been known to teach a seminar for incoming students on Intellectual Property, the College's introductory stats course, and even a course in the Evolution of Technology.

SamR's efforts in open source tend to focus on media applications, particularly GIMP (the GNU Image Manipulation Program), an open-source alternative to Photoshop, and Inkscape, an open-source alternate to Adobe Illustrator. SamR's work emphasizes ways to support interactive scripting in this applications and opportunities to use such scripting to motivate people to learn new modes of problem solving.

In his spare time, SamR likes to do things with this three sons and his wife. Sometimes that means camping. More often, it means playing board or card games.

You can reach SamR at an mail address available via reCAPTCHA™ Mailhide - not only will you get to send him mail, you can help OCR books!

You can laugh at how out-of-date SamR's Web site is.

p.s. Although SamR refers to himself in the third person in this rambling page, traditionally he likes to refer to himself in the first person, singular.


Checklist of activities completed (and not completed), taken from the list of Stage 1 Activities

Part A

  1. Introduction to FOSS - Done
  2. Join TOS - Done
  3. Introduction to Wikis - Overdone
  4. Introduction to IRC - Done
  5. IRC Meeting -Done
  6. Anatomy of a FOSS Project - Forthcoming

Part B

  1. FOSS Field Trip - Forthcoming
  2. Blogging Activity - Done, More or Less - that is, I posted some stuff, but not about my FOSS Field Trip
  3. FOSS in Courses Planning 1 - Forthcoming
  4. Project Evaluation Activity - Forthcoming
  5. 'Project Survey - Filled out twice. Whee!

Part C

  1. IRC Meeting - Thursday
  2. Bug-Tracker Activity - Forthcoming
  3. Source Code Management/Control Activity - Forthcoming, but I use git a lot
  4. FOSS in Courses Planning 2 - Forthcoming
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