OpenMRS Design Reverse Engineering Activity (Android App)

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Title OpenMRS Design Reverse Engineering Activity (Android App)
Overview Expose student to the OpenMRS Android client and have them reverse engineer the design of the module.
Prerequisite Knowledge Java, Android, UML, dynamic and static modeling
Learning Objectives
  1. Evaluate an existing project and analyze its current documentation
  2. Read and understand professionally written code
  3. Appreciate the importance of code documentation and project documentation
  4. Develop software architecture and design documentation for an existing project
  5. Recognize coding conventions and design patterns


OpenMRS is an application which enables design of a customized medical records system with no programming knowledge. It is a common framework upon which medical informatics efforts in developing countries can be built. For more technical information, see: OpenMRS is also a community of people working to apply health information technologies to solve problems, primarily in resource-poor environments. They are a proud community of developers, implementers, funders, and users all trying to make the world a better place by using our expertise to improve the health and wellness of the planet. The OpenMRS Android Client provides mobile functionality that includes registering patients, taking visit notes, capturing vitals, etc. The also supports working off-line (without network connection) with a chosen subset of patients. In this assignment, you will familiarize yourself with the implementation of the Android app by reviewing and documenting the software architecture and class design.


IDE installation

  1. Go to:
    1. At the bottom of the page choose the Get the SDK link.
    2. Click the Download the SDK ADT Bundle for Windows link.
  2. Extract the files from the .zip file downloaded in step #1.
  3. Go to: On the second part of #1, use API 19 instead of the most recent API available.

The download and install take some time…be patient!! Once the download is complete, you can close the SDK Manager.

Installing OpenMRS Android project

  1. Download the OpenMRS Android client as an Eclipse project
  2. Import the project into Eclipse: File -> Import... -> Android -> Existing Android Code into Workspace -> then browse to the directory containing the Eclipse project that you downloaded
  3. The DashboardActivity project depends on the appcompat, gridlayout, and odk.collect projects. If Eclipse shows an error message in the DashboardActivity, about these other projects, add them to the Java Build Path of the DashboardActivity project.

Running the OpenMRS Android app:

  1. Create an AVD using Android 4.4.2 (API level 19). You can follow the directions from to create an AVD. When creating it, be sure that you give it an SD card of at least 128MB.
  2. Launch the DashboardActivity project in your AVD. It may take a while for the AVD to start, so be patient!
  3. When the OpenMRS app starts, enter as the URL.
  4. Log in using username "admin" and password "Admin123".

Early Code Investigation

At this stage of the project I expect you to get an early sense of what the project is about. You should create a report that describes the following:

  • Total number of files, packages and package hierarchy
  • Coding convention and available documentation
  • Which classes are part of the Model component? the View? the Controller?

Grading Rubric :

  • Project structure is represented concisely and correctly using a diagrammatic representation
  • Coding conventions and documentation are correctly identified


Detailed Design

Produce a report that documents the Detailed Design of the software. Your target audience includes junior programmers who would like to contribute to the project and experienced developers who are only somewhat familiar with your project. A junior programmer should be able to correctly implement any package or module given your Detailed Design.


Introduction and Overview

About 1 to 3 pages summarizing the purpose of report, its organization, and its salient conclusions. A person should be able to read just the abstract or just the introduction and have a good idea what is in the rest of your report.

Detailed Design

You are to give, for each module, a clear specification for the module, such that a junior programmer can implement that module. The Detailed Design will include a clear description of the behavior of the module and its externally visible interface.

A complete description of the static and dynamic modeling of the system including class diagrams and the sequence for main scenarios.

Grading Rubric

  • Summarizing the purpose of report, its organization, and its salient conclusions
  • Class diagram:
    • Includes all signification classes.
    • Class attributes are represented correctly
    • Relationships between classes are modeled correctly.
    • Methods are added appropriately.
    • Diagrams are easy to follow and understand
  • Sequence diagrams (at least 5 use cases)
    • SD realizes the usecase completely and correctly
    • SD includes all collaborating objects.
    • Correct notation is used
    • Diagrams are clear and easy to follow

Architecture Design

Present the overall structure of the project you have adopted, with descriptions of each major component and of the interactions among them. These components are to be primarily Java packages. In your descriptions, concentrate on high level functional rather than on lower level concepts such as classes, variables and control flow. Your system's architecture should be easy to understand, with simple interfaces, and modest interactions among packages.

Architectural Style

Clarify the architectural design used in the project


Create a complete UML Package diagram depicting the software architecture

Grading Rubric

  • Model is correct and complete, including all components and interaction.
  • Using correct UML package diagram notation


How will the activity be graded?

How will learning will be measured?

Include sample assessment questions/rubrics.

Criteria Level 1 (fail) Level 2 (pass) Level 3 (good) Level 4 (exceptional)
The purpose of the project
Why the project is open source


What should the instructor know before using this activity?

What are some likely difficulties that an instructor may encounter using this activity?

Additional Information:

ACM Knowledge Area/Knowledge Unit What ACM Computing Curricula 2013 knowledge area and units does this activity cover? ACM_Body_of_Knowledge
ACM Topic What specific topics are addressed? The Computing Curriucula 2013 provides a list of topics -
Level of Difficulty Is this activity easy, medium or challenging?
Estimated Time to Completion 12 Hours
Materials/Environment Access to Internet, installed Eclipse with correct version
Author Who wrote this activity?
Source Darci Burdge, Steven P. Crain, Ruby ElKharboutly, Barrett Koster, Shamsi Moussavi, Chris Murphy
License Creativecommons-by-nc-sa-40.png This activity is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Suggestions for Open Source Community:

Suggestions for an open source community member who is working in conjunction with the instructor.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

CC license.png[[Category: CS2]

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