Name: Lin Deng
Position: Assistant Professor, Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Towson University, Towson, MD 21252
Bio: Lin Deng is an Assistant Professor at Towson University, teaching software engineering, OO programming, software testing. Lin Deng completed his Ph.D. in Information Technology in the Department of Computer Science at George Mason University in 2017.
Project Review Assignment:
- Sugar
My students would be more suitable to work as developers.
The commonality across roles would be "communication." The difference is how they communicate.
Submitting a bug for Sugar would be starting from the GitHub repository, searching existing one, or create a new one in the issue page.
Issues are labeled as bug, design, feature, needs SLOBS, and needs work. Each issue has assignees, labels, projects, milestone, and participant.
At the time of my access to the repo, the latest commit is on Apr 29, 2018.
Roadmap is updated at the beginning of each release cycle.
- Sahana Eden
This project has more roles than Sugar. Due to its specific feature, this project has GIS specialists. Also, it seems this project has more interest in quality, so it has testers and bug marshals.
Unlike Sugar, tickets of this project are organized into different categories.
In each ticket, it has reported by, owned by, priority, milestone, component, version, keywords, cc, due date, launchpad bug, and description.
At the time of my access to the repo, the latest commit is on May 4, 2018.
On the page of roadmap, one interesting thing I find is that there is a </BODY> shown on the page. :-)
FOSS Field Trip:
- GitHub
1. How many repositories are there in this category?
As of May 25, 10:55 pm, there are 20,345 repositories by searching education.
2. Click on the first project. Click on Graphs (Insights), then Commits. What information does this page provide?
The first repo is timjacobi/angular-education. In the Commits of Insights page, there are two charts. The first chart shows how many commits in the past year. The second chart shows how many commits in each day.
1. How many repositories are there in this category?
2. Locate the HTBox/crisischeckin project. When was the last update?