From Foss2Serve
Name: Robert Domanski
Position: Manager of the NYC Tech-in-Residence Corps, NY City Government
Twitter: @Rdomanski
IRC: server: nick: Rob_Domanski channels: foss2serve, teachingopensource
Bio: I teach Computer Science, manage a program of others who teach Computer Science, and increasingly work on public policy as it relates to technology education.
Responses to Stage 1A: Intro to FOSS Project:
- Sugar Labs Project: I am rather surprised to see how many opportunities there are to contribute to FOSS projects that are non-technical.
- The roles most applicable to my students would be Developers, although there's no reason why they couldn't also be Content Writers, People Persons, or Translators.
- To submit a bug, you would go to, find the most applicable category, and click the Green button on the Issues tab.
- There are 308 repos in the Sugar Lab Project. I went to the "turtleart-activity" and saw only three open issues/bugs, sorted by date.
- The information on issues/bugs consists only of the name of each issue/bug and the discussion thread associated with it.
- The last commit was made on Oct 24, 2018
- The Roadmap is updated at the start of each new release cycle.
- Sahara Eden Project: This project has similar categories as Sugar Labs. It seems like all of these FOSS projects have a need for documentation, testing, and translation as much as they do for software development.
- This FOSS project has much better organization of issues/bugs into categories, as well as very helpful information like priority levels and "status" to indicate if the issue has already been assigned to someone.
- The last commit was made on Nov 19, 2018
- The Roadmap consists of milestones - each with a name - broken down by category, and there are listed future releases for longer term planning.