SIGCSE 2016 POSSE Roundup
Check back closer to the event date for additional information
POSSE, the Professors Open Source Software Experience, helps instructors prepare to guide student participation in Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) projects. This POSSE Roundup is a workshop for instructors who have previously attended POSSE. It will provide an opportunity to share experiences and discuss challenges with student participation in HFOSS. There will also be presentations and discussions of recent developments in HFOSS learning efforts. The workshop structure of the day will emphasize active participation of attendees.
The day will include the following sessions:
HFOSS Learning Model
A model of what someone needs to know to become a productive participant in an HFOSS project community
- Presentation of the model
- Working group discussion, critique, and suggestions to improve the model
HFOSS Curriculum Map
A mapping of elements of the HFOSS Learning Model to ACM Curriclum Recommendations and to typical computing major core courses
- Presentation of the map
- Working group discussion, critique, and suggestions to improve the map
Experience Reports
Presentations by attendees of techniques, challenges, approaches, and results of student participation in HFOSS
Mini Sprint
- Brainstorming to generate ideas for learning activities
- Initial sketch outlines of selected ideas for learning activities