Rea, Yeates (Proposal)
This is a template for creating a proposal for development of learning activities related to student participation in HFOSS. To see examples of proposals, select Category under Navigation in the menu to the left, and then select the Proposal category.
Contents |
<Provide a short description (a few sentences will do) of the what you intend to do.>
Target Venue
CIS3900: Business Web Architecture
This course applies human computer interaction theories, principles, and techniques to develop effective and usable Web applications for the business environment. Topics include WWW architecture, modern web-based languages, search engines, interactive content, multimedia, and other technologies for the WWW. Students will evaluate the effectiveness of various websites and develop Web applications to support Internet commerce.
Target Student Audience
WMU routinely offers a Web Design and Development class for juniors and seniors at least once a year. Other than students specializing in electronic business marketing, this course is an elective for information systems majors. The course stresses client-side scripting (HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript) as well as design theory. As part of the course requirements, students must work on a semester-long project to develop a website for either a business or a nonprofit client.
Learning Activities
< Provide a general description of the activities you plan to develop. How many activities will there be? What types? (labs, homework assignments, projects, etc.) What outcomes do you expect? What specific products will you have to share at the end? (lab instructions, grading rubrics, homework assignments, etc.) Note: we only expect basic information at this point since the activities are not developed yet.>
< Please share any thoughts you have on how to evaluate effectiveness. We can work with you and provide basic survey instruments that are shared across sites.>
<What is the schedule you expect to follow for developing, piloting and evaluating, and sharing the materials?>
<Amount requested; maximum $3k>
Contact Information
<Name and email>