Short Introduction
I am an open educator at Duke University, where I am directing an initiative to integrate open source principles and methodologies into modes of thinking, communicating, and creating within education.
My teaching and research focus on open knowledge, education innovation, connected communication, participatory democracy, the phenomenology of collaboration and meritocratic organization, and design methodology. I have deep experience creating and scaling collaborative faculty development and curriculum innovation initiatives, have presented and written extensively about hacking knowledge in relation to student and citizen agency, and have directed grant-funded initiatives centered on open knowledge and networked communication and digital form.
FOSS in Courses Activity
I am extremely interested in designing stand alone HFOSS activities as well as integrating humanistic inquiries pertaining to FOSS into existing classes; I am also focused on identifying ways in which we can innovate education models in light of free and open knowledge.
For the stand alone HFOSS event, I am considering partnering with either (or both!) Hack Duke or the Duke STEAM Challenge ([1]).