Terminology (under development)
blog -
bot - software applications that run automated tasks over the Internet - [1]
bugzilla - bug tracking tool
Course - Category:Course
creative commons -
commit -
community -
doap -
git -
Gtk+ -
introspection (inspection?) -
IRC - Internet Relay Chat - this is a discussion tool used by members of an HFOSS community - for a reference on IRC basics, see [2]
Learning Activity - A Learning Activity is the smallest unit of learning and could be a classroom activity, homework assignment, etc. Learning activities can be sequenced into Learning Modules, and can support steps on Pathways to FOSS contributions.
Learning Module - Category:Learning Module
meetbot -
meritocracy - political philosophy that holds power should be vested in individuals according to merit.[1] Advancement in such a system is based on perceived intellectual talent measured through examination and/or demonstrated achievement in the field where it is implemented.[3]
Pathway - Category:Pathway
planet -
rapid prototyping -
sharing - underlying principle of open source
transparency -
wiki - for wiki formatting tips see [4]