A Learning Activity is the smallest unit of learning and could be a classroom activity, homework assignment, etc. Learning activities can be sequenced into Learning Modules, and can support steps on Pathways to FOSS contributions.
Activity Name & URL:
Author(s) Name, Affiliation, Email:
Rubric Item
Level (0-4)
Title & Overview
- Clearly & concisely describes activity.
- Enables teachers to decide if activity is a good fit.
Prerequisites, Learning Objectives, & Process Skills Practiced
- Specify what students should be able to do before & after activity, and the process skills practiced.
- Are active, student-centered, specific, & measurable.
- Are likely to be achieved by this activity.
Background & Comments
- Provide rationale & context for activity.
- Specify any student preparation (e.g. reading).
- Provide hints & guidance for teacher.
- Identify likely difficulties & responses.
- Describe possible changes & variations (parts to skip or reorder).
Activity Content & Directions - Complete
- Instructions are complete & all students should be able to follow them.
- Use vocabulary & sentence structure appropriate & accessible to all students.
- Use correct spelling & grammar.
Activity Content & Directions - Useful
- Use examples likely to engage all students (not just stereotypical students).
- Easily adapted to other courses & settings.
Deliverables & Assessment
- Describe what students turn in
- Describe how to assess work and learning.
Additional Information (area, unit, topic; difficulty; time; materials; author; source; license)
- Complete & accurate.
Suggestions for FOSS Community
- ???
Discussion Page
- Discussion page for activity (top left of page for activity) contains unresolved issues.
- Describes target student population (majors, courses, knowledge & skills)
- Describes typical course setting (# of students, room layout, duration, available technology)
- Describes technology needs
- Includes handouts, sample code, tools, etc.