From Foss2Serve
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Jody Paul
Jody Paul is on the faculty of the Mathematical and Computer Sciences department at Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver), an urban institution with a modified, open-admission policy.
Dr. Paul's main areas of interest include Computer Science Education, Software Engineering, and Cognitive Science.
Observations made while exploring HFOSS projects
Sugar Labs
- The roles most applicable for my students: Content Writer, Developer, Designer, Translator
- Commonalities and differences across roles: All involve "communicate" (other than Educator); Each represents a different skill set
- The general process for submitting a bug involves using Trac for issue tracking. A bug is reported by creating and filing a new ticket. A registered login is necessary.
- The types/categories of tickets listed include: defect, enhancement, and task. There is much information available for each ticket, such as: Reporter (author), Type, Component, Version, Keywords, Priority, Milestone, Owner, Cc list, Resolution, Status, Summary, and Description
- As of Mar 7, 2017, the date of the last commit was Feb 5, 2017, but this appears to correspond to a commit from Oct 10, 2016.
Release cycle
- Each release cycle includes "development, beta, release candidate and final releases."[1] The roadmap provides greater detail with scheduled release dates and freeze points. The most recent item on the roadmap schedule is dated 1 October 2016.
Sahana Eden
- The grouping of contributors is relatively similar to that found in Sugar Labs but appears to be more focused on development than communication. The types of contributions associated with three of the groups include:
- Developers - Code level design and implementation contributions
- Testers - Both manual and automated testing; allows for non-technical contributions
- Designers - Primarily user interface design contributions
Tracker can be found here. Place your answers to the following on your wiki page.
- The Sahana Eden project, like Sugar Labs, uses Trac for issue tracking. The information contained in a report of active tickets [2] is essentially the same as in the Sugar Labs report with minor difference in which fields are shown (e.g., Sahana Eden shows "Component", "Version", and "Created" fields and Sugar Labs shows "Milestone") and Sahana includes a distinct "documentation" type. Sahana Eden also provides more pre-constructed reports to facilitate searching and viewing the Trac database (compare [3] with [4]).
- As of Mar 7, 2017, the date of the most recent commit was Mar 7, 2017.
Release cycle
- Sahana Eden appears to use the Milestone and Roadmap structure from Trac. The roadmap at the website [5] appears to lack updating, with Milestone 0.9 shown as "5 years late" and Milestone 1.0 as "Planned for: May 2012 (Draft)".