Fedora 22 in VirtualBox Set up

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Title Build & Execute a Cloned Module (gnome-photos module)
Overview Building is the process of converting the source code into an executable by compiling and linking. In this document, we will build and execute an open source module cloned using git.
Prerequisite Knowledge Cloning a Module
Learning Objectives 1. Build a perviously cloned module 2. Execute the cloned module.


For this lab, we will be using previously cloned module gnome-photos to demonstrate building and executing.


1. Before Starting: Before running any of the command below, make sure that you are a sudo user. If not type the command $ su and then enter the root password when prompted. Also, make sure you are in the cloned directory using cd command.

2. Start the Build: Type the following command in the terminal to start building:

  1. dnf builddep gnome-photos

Note: To build a module, make sure that you have all the build dependencies available. Some modules depend on external libraries.

Accept the dependency downloads whenever prompted.

Wait till the process completes.

3. Finish the Build:

Once the process completes, create a new directory under /opt directory as /opt/gnome-photos

Now execute the augogen.sh file under the cloned directory to build the module to newly created directory.


Refer the user manual http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.3.28/UserManual.pdf if you run into any trouble. Now that we have the VM program installed, we will need to get the Fedora operating system so you can add it as a host OS in the VM.

4. Installing Fedora 22 inside VirtualBox:

a) Go to https://getfedora.org/en/workstation/download/ and download the ISO image of fedora 22 Workstation (Desktop) edition by clicking on “Download” button.

b) Once you have the ISO image file, you are ready to install it on to the VM. Open your VM application if it is not already open. On the top of the window, click the “New” button.

c) This will open a virtual machine wizard for creating a new virtual machine. Fill in with the details as shown below and click “Next”.

Name  : Fedora 22 Type  : Linux Version  : Fedora (64 bit) Memory size : 2048 (This can vary based on system configuration).

d) Select “Create a virtual hard drive now” and click on “Create”

e) Create a new Virtual Hard Drive as shown below and click on “Next”:

Hard drive file type : VDI Storage on Physical HD : Fixed size

f) Select appropriate location for saving virtual disk image (VD), set the size of VD and click “Create”.

g) Once it is complete, you can see the screen with Fedora 22 listed.

5. Start the Fedora 22 Installation:

Now that the space for installing fedora 22 has been created, but there is still no Operating system associated with it. 

To install the downloaded fedora into this virtual space, select Fedora 22 in the left pane and click on “Start” button.

6. Find Fedora 22 ISO:

A wizard will be prompted to select the start-up disk. Browse to the Fedora 22 ISO image downloaded and click on “Start”. After a while, you will see the screen with welcome window. Click on “Install to Hard Drive” button to proceed. Select Language as “English” and click “Continue”. Click on “INSTALLATION DESTINATION” and select the 25GB hard drive that we just created. Select the option of "Automatically Configure Partitioning" and click on “Done”.

7. Begin Fedora 22 Installation:

Now click on “Begin Installation” button in the right bottom corner. While the installation is in progress, create a root password and a new user by clicking on respective buttons.

8. Successful Installation:

And once the installation is completed, click on “Quit” button on the bottom right. You should now see the fedora Home screen and be able to play around with the new interface of the Operating System.

9. Documentation:

Create a file in your favorite editor. Add all your screenshots and then answer the following questions in the next section in your file. Also, review the following rubric for generating and submitting your work. Once you are satisfied that your lab is complete, create a pdf file and name it FossLab1_yourlastnamefirstinitial.pdf. Upload to your course management system.


Create a word document and include screenshots of different stages of installations in it. In addition, answer the questions.

Lab 1 Rubric (100 points)

Screenshots (50 points) including Virtual Box Icon (10 points); ISO (10 points); VirtualBox Manager (10 points); Welcome Window (10 points); Fedora Desktop Window (10 points)

Lab Questions (50 points) • What is Virtual Environment and Virtual Machine? (5 points) • Name three benefits of using virtual machines vs. real machines. (10 points) • Name two disadvantages of using a virtual machine. (10 points) • What is an ISO file? (10 points) • What is your root password and your user login information? (10 points) • Grammar, Spelling and Neatness (5 points) – named file correctly and uploaded properly on time.


Additional Information:

Knowledge Area/Knowledge Unit Setup Environment
Level of Difficulty
Estimated Time to Completion 2 hours
Author Mohsen Dorodchi

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