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Esmail Bonakdarian

I'm a faculty member in the Computer Science Department at Dominican University in River Forest, IL (Chicago)

Born and raised in Germany, I've been in the US for a while. My undergraduate majors where Political Science, Economics and Computer Science, my Ph.D is in CS. After graduation I taught in a number of visiting positions (incl. Oberlin College) before moving to Chicago last summer to start a tenure track position at DU. During my time in the United States I've lived in Iowa, Washington DC, Georgia, NY, OH and now IL.

My research interests are primarily in evolutionary computation (e.g., Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm Optimizations, ..). I'm also very interested in assistive technology.

In addition to learning about HFOSS this summer, I am also hoping to learn about the arduino/rasberry pi platforms to see how I might incorporate these into my hardware/architecture classes.

(I'm also a bit of a runner, I'm planning to bring my running shoes with me so I can perhaps explore Philadelphia by foot)

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