Mhills Project Anatomy Notes

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Sugar Labs

  • Roles for students: mainly Developer, maybe Designer, potentially Translator (a number of our students are international students, at least in our graduate program, not so much in the undergrad)
  • The roles seem quite distinct, although there is a general sense that members of all the roles should be encouraging (and should have some interest in education, of course)
  • Bugs are tracked using the Issue Tracker on GitHub. Just go to "Issues" and click "New issue". The query appears to be for an older, or alternate, tracker, or encompasses all the projects on GitHub, not just the one repo.
  • Current issues are a mix of enhancement requests and actual bugs. They do not appear to consistently use GitHub issue labels (one is marked a bug, but others appear to be bugs as well, e.g., #771).
  • The last commit was on September 8.
  • The roadmap update occurs at the start of each release cycle.

Sahana Eden

  • Community includes developers, testers, "bug marshals", newsletter writers, documenters, designers, translators, sysadmins, and GIS specialists
  • The bug tracker has a much different interface, it isn't integrated with GitHub
  • Bugs include id#, summary, impacted component, version, priority, type (defect/bug, enhancement, documentation, etc), owner, status, and created date. The newest is over two years old, is this really the current bug tracker? (No, they are now using GitHub issues as well)
  • Last commit was two hours ago (October 5th)
  • The roadmap/release cycle is pretty sparse, they haven't had a release in quite some time and have a planned (no date) 2.0 release
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