SIGCSE 2018 POSSE Roundup DevTools
From Foss2Serve
Dev Environment Installation
9:15 AM:
- Background on DevTools and use in classroom
- Heidi Ellis - Software Engineering, Emily Lovell - Open Source Software Engineering
- Walk through the instructions here:
- How easy is it to get started?
- Anything need to be added?
- Anything need to be changed?
- Add a list of faculty and courses including contact info?
10:15 AM: Break
10:30 AM:
- Product Walk-through
- Introduction to the Community
- Communication mechanisms
- Finding information
12:00 Lunch:
1:30 PM:
- Review of student bugs and efforts
- Break into groups around different bugs
3:00 PM: Break
3:30 PM:
- Continue working on bug fix
- Wrap up
- How do we want to organize as a group going forward?
- What needs to be done next?
4:45 PM Wrap-up