Stage 2 Activities/Stage 3 Planning Ushahidi-20160616
Group Participants
Alan, John, Ying, Leo, Jonathan, Janet
- Alan used Ushahidi in a mobile dev capstone last year.
- John is teaching a mobile dev course this fall: SE, Android, HCI, HFOSS
- Ying is teaching SE, a course with an existing syllabus, this fall.
- Jonathan might have an independent study student do this in the fall.
- Janet might too, depending on what she decides to do with her spring SE course.
- Leo might use in extra-curricular activities.
Planning an Initial HFOSS Learning Activity
Please discuss and record your group's approach for an initial learning activity. When you have a good draft description of the learning activity using the sections below, you could create a learning activity page for it by copying the Learning Activity Format with Directions.
Course targeted for the activity
Any course using Ushahidi in depth
Brief description of the activity
Deploy & customize Ushahidi
Time you expect the HFOSS activity to take
e.g. # classes, # homework assignments, # lab activities, etc. Whether the activity will be completed in class or out of class
- Two weeks
- Start in class, finish out of class, at least one more class period to address questions/issues before due date
- Do this twice; Once to deploy and once to customize
Relationship of this activity to course goals/objectives
- Read, understand, follow documentation [comm, tech]
- Practice a workflow [tech]
- Understand the purpose and use of the project [cult]
- Understand relationship between platform and domain [des]
- Learn XML, JSON [tech]
- Prior to a deeper engagement with Ushahidi
What students will submit upon completion of the activity
- A URL for a deployment
- Answers to POGIL questions (Google docs shows history)
- For a team activity: Individual reflection, summarize own and others' contributions
Approach for assessing the student work
- URL indicates successful install
- Rubric to assess thoughtfulness of POGIL results
- Evidence that all team members contributed and learned (Google docs history)
Questions or concerns you have about implementing your activity
- How should students deploy Ushahidi?
- How do we customize a Ushahidi installation? What technical skills are required?
- How do we write good POGIL exercises?
- Is this a team, pair, or individual activity?
- How much time does this really need?
- For customization, do we tell students the domain? The requirements?
- Google Maps or OpenStreetMap?
- How do you use Ushahidi?
- Can we get a copy of Lori's similar (but not identical) assignment?
- Can we get a copy of the guides that Alan's students created? His syllabus?
Support you will need to implement your activity
- Should be able to do this informed by existing public documentation.
- Might need support from Ushahidi team. Might want to talk to them ahead of time.
- Robby might be able to help students from one class, but what if many classes are doing this activity at the same time?
- Students need computers in class.
- Students need a free heroku account.
Planning Stage 3 Activities
Will arrange an IRC chat this via doodle.
Specific Tasks
John: will teach a mobile course using Ushahidi in Fall 2016.
Alan: will teach a mobile course using Ushahidi in Spring 2017.
Jonathan: use in a special topics course in the spring.
Ying: will use in a software design methods course in the spring.
Leo: will use in a special topics course.
<List any resources that you find>
Other Notes
Prior related POSSE groups, if any: Category:Ushahidi