Name: Chris Melro
Position: Professor, Mathematics, Computer Science, and Information Technology, Nassau Community College, Garden City, NY
IRC: server: nick: cmerlo channels: foss2serve
HFOSS Projects: None
HFOSS-Related Courses: None
Other Organizations: None
Bio: I teach Math and CS (and an IT course here and there) at Nassau. I also play bass and Chapman Stick in The Yellow Box. We released our first album last year.
Guided Tour Responses
Sugar Labs:
Contributions: I'm not sure that our students, on the whole, could fill any of these roles. Occasionally, a student here or there would be a good candidate for Content Writer, or People Person, or Translator, and in later classes, hopefully some Developers, but not in CS 1.
Tracker: The general process of submitting a bug is to find the repo and hit the "big green button". There are defects, tasks, and enhancements.
Repository: The last commit was 2018-12-31 by quozl, in Docs.
Release cycle: The roadmap is updated at the beginning of each release cycle, and should include when the next freeze point and release will be as well as other information.
Sahana Eden:
Community: The categories of people are very similar, but includes some specialized tasks too, such as GIS specialists.
Tracker: The tracker is organized differently, by project, but contains largely the same information. Major ticket categories appear to be the same, but are then filterable by "component".
Repository: Last commit 2019-01-04 by nursix, to DRKCM, whatever that is
Release cycle: Either something is misconfigured, or they're really seven years behind schedule, with no dates set for any milestones past the current one.