POSSE 2016-11 Participants
From Foss2Serve
The participants in POSSE 2016-11 are:
- Bo Brinkman - email: bo.brinkman@miamioh.edu, Blog: Bo Brinkman's HFOSS POSSE blog posts
- Darci Burdge - email: Darci.Burdge@ncc.edu
- Amy Csizmar Dalal - email: adalal@carleton.edu, homepage, blog
- Heidi Ellis - email: ellis at wne.edu, Blog: Heidi Ellis' blog
- Wu He - email: whe@odu.edu, Wiki: User:WHe
- Greg Hislop - Blog: Notes from Greg Hislop
- Rob Hochberg - email: hochberg@udallas.edu, Blog: Blogging for the FOSS Time
- Stoney Jackson - Stoney Jackson's BlogGnome Accessibility Group
- Clif Kussmaul - email: clif@kussmaul.org, personal homepage, CS-POGIL project
- Patricia Lee - email: pat.lee.uci@gmail.com, Wiki: User:PLee
- Gina Likins email: gina at redhat.com Gina's blog
- Chris Murphy - email: cdmurphy@seas.upenn.edu, homepage
- Mario Nakazawa - email: nakazawam at berea.edu blog
- Krish Narayanan - email: knarayan at emich.edu blog
- Jan Pearce - email: pearcej at berea.edu
- Lori Postner - email: Lori.Postner@ncc.edu
- John Rager - email: jer@cs.amherst.edu Boring blog
- Scott Heggen - email: heggens@berea.edu Scott's Amazing blog
- Simon Sultana - email: simon.sultana@fresno.edu, Blog: Simon Sultana's POSSE blog posts
- Emily Lovell - email: emme@soe.ucsc.edu
- Birgit Penzenstadler - email: birgit dot penzenstadler at csulb dot edu - Homepage and Blog.
- Chi Zhang - email: chizhang at kennesaw dot edu
- Chunmei Liu - email: chunmei at scs dot howard dot edu