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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
13:12, 28 May 2014POSSE Materials (file)4.43 MBHeidi.ellis (Slides and exercise 1.3 for May 2014 POSSE.)1
05:53, 28 May 2014Img1.jpg (file)154 KBRmezei 2
05:52, 28 May 2014Img2.jpg (file)100 KBRmezei 2
19:46, 17 May 2014Sahana EDEN Evaluation.xlsx (file)11 KBRmezei 2
00:15, 10 May 2014Mifos Evaluation.xlsx (file)11 KBRmezei (Mifos Porject Evaluation)1
15:35, 7 May 2014BET.xlsx (file)11 KBJmcguffee (My completed evaluation template file)1
19:41, 6 May 2014Mello-Stark Template.xlsx (file)10 KBMellostark 1
11:51, 25 April 2014Getting Started in FOSS Workshop.pptx (file)2.69 MBHeidi.ellis 2
12:45, 23 April 2014Workshop Outline CCSCNE 2014.docx (file)24 KBHeidi.ellis 1
15:23, 4 February 2014POSSE Application 2014.docx (file)20 KBHeidi.ellis 1
20:20, 4 January 2014StudentSurveyPreTemplateV2.1.docx (file)33 KBHislop 1
20:20, 4 January 2014StudentSurveyPostTemplateV2.1.docx (file)35 KBHislop 1
20:20, 4 January 2014ContentQuestionsPreV2.1.docx (file)32 KBHislop 1
19:45, 4 January 2014ContentQuestionsPostV2.1.docx (file)32 KBHislop 1
03:02, 6 November 2013POSSE Project Survey.ods (file)11 KBHfrancis (Results of student survey about which POSSE project interested them most.)1
19:22, 1 November 2013FOSS Tools and Techniques CCSC-E 2013 - Nov1.ppt (file)2.34 MBHislop (Revision for webchat and POSSE Overview)1
18:32, 1 November 2013Workshop-outline-CCSCE-2013.pdf (file)253 KBHeidi.ellis 1
15:14, 1 November 2013FOSS Tools and Techniques CCSC-E 2013.pptx (file)1.17 MBHeidi.ellis 1
15:12, 1 November 2013Workshop-outline-final.pdf (file)35 KBHeidi.ellis 1
15:38, 8 October 2013Project Selection Workshop SIGITE 2013.pptx (file)1.3 MBHeidi.ellis 1
15:34, 8 October 2013Workshop Outline SIGITE 13.docx (file)23 KBHeidi.ellis 1
02:19, 21 June 2013Camera and Menu2013-06-20.png (file)106 KBLhotchkiss 1
01:26, 21 June 2013Settings Menu 2013-06-20.png (file)20 KBLhotchkiss 1
02:34, 14 June 2013Logan 2013-06-13.png (file)53 KBLhotchkiss 1
13:45, 13 June 2013Ticket.pdf (file)71 KBBcoleman (Directions to handle a ticket in OpenMRS.)1
19:37, 3 June 2013Zombie reports data.csv.txt (file)246 KBCmacdonell (Zombie Data Set for Ushahidi)1
17:25, 3 June 2013Exercise3.5Stage3-FirstSteps.pdf (file)20 KBLori.postner 1
17:25, 3 June 2013Exercise2.6PlanningAFirstHFOSSActivity.pdf (file)23 KBLori.postner 1
19:57, 2 June 2013POSSE (file)4.42 MBHislop 1
20:07, 30 May 2013OpenMRS.xlsx (file)10 KBBcoleman (Evaluation of OpenMRS project)1
14:46, 29 May 2013Lang openmrs.xlsx (file)10 KBMlang 1
13:50, 23 May 2013Francis Eden Evaluation.xlsx (file)11 KBHfrancis (This is my evaluation of Sahana-Eden for my POSSE workshop)1
12:13, 19 May 2013Project Selection Workshop.pptx (file)1.25 MBHislop 1
00:35, 19 May 2013FOSS Evaluation Ushahidi.xlsx (file)11 KBBmorgan (Becka Morgan Ushahidi evaluation)1
20:57, 30 April 2013Screenshot2.png (file)153 KBJrivera (Screenshot of MouseTrap running in Ubuntu 10.4.)1
20:56, 30 April 2013Screenshot1.png (file)231 KBJrivera (Screenshot of MouseTrap running in Ubuntu 10.4.)1
20:40, 19 April 2013MousetrapBot2013-03-01.pdf (file)58 KBDarci.burdge 1
21:57, 12 April 2013MouseTrapMeeting.pdf (file)190 KBDarci.burdge 1
21:52, 12 April 2013Test.docx (file)24 KBDarci.burdge 1
21:46, 12 April 2013Mousetrap2013-03-01 log.txt (file)14 KBDarci.burdge 1
11:19, 12 April 2013Project Selection Workshop Slides.pptx (file)955 KBHislop 2
01:41, 10 April 2013Workshop Outline.docx (file)20 KBHeidi.ellis 1
01:38, 10 April 2013Project Evaluation Examples.xlsx (file)38 KBHeidi.ellis 1
20:44, 5 April 2013Makefile am Tree.png (file)238 KBNdaugherty (Directory Tree for whole Mousetrap directory (not just /src) and all accompanying's in those directories if they exist.)1
22:49, 19 March 2013Directories.png (file)16 KBHeidi.ellis (Better image of the MouseTrap directory structure. )1
22:44, 19 March 2013Mousetrap directories.png (file)45 KBHeidi.ellis (Shows the tree structure of the MouseTrap directories.)1
16:21, 15 March 2013MouseTrap.jpeg (file)67 KBAheilman 1
19:46, 7 March 2013FacultyDevelopmentModel.jpg (file)52 KBHislop 1
18:57, 7 March 2013POSSE CFP.docx (file)91 KBHislop (POSSE CFP)1
18:54, 7 March 2013POSSE Application.docx (file)16 KBHislop (POSSE Application)1

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